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Century Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

School Safety

Safety is Our Priority

Clovis Unified School District is committed to making schools safe for all students and staff. We work closely with local and state agencies including police, fire, emergency medical services and public health officials to ensure that we are well prepared and children are protected. Every school has an up-to-date safe school plan, and so does the District. These plans are regularly practiced and annually reviewed to make sure employees and students know what their role would be in the event of an emergency. Trainings includes both classroom instruction and practice drills that involve local emergency responders. Members of a community who serve on safety committees at each school are also involved in overseeing preparedness efforts. 



  • No student should be on campus before 7:30 AM or after 2:40 PM unless they are under the direct supervision of a Century staff member. No teachers are on yard duty before 7:30 AM or after 2:40 PM.
  • All visitors must first check in at the office to sign and receive a campus pass

Century Safety Procedures
 Please review the following safety procedures with your child. We practice safety drills all year.


Fire Drill

  • Students will remain in the classroom until the teacher tells them it is time to leave.
  • Students will take the designated path away from the buildings.
  • Students will walk in a quiet orderly line.
  • An all-clear bell will sound for return to the classroom.
  • Note: All visitors on campus during a fire drill will follow the same procedures.
  • If outside, students will walk to their classrooms designated area

Campus Lockdown  
A campus lockdown is called when a serious threat exists to students and staff.

Inside the building:

  • A siren or whistles will sound a warning.
  • All doors will be immediately locked.
  • Students will remain in the classroom/building until released.
  • Students will immediately move away from windows and doors and sit on the floor.
  • Students will remain quiet until the principal gives an all-clear signal. Law enforcement will authorize the principal to end the lockdown.
  • No students will be allowed to leave the building until law enforcement authorizes the end of the lockdown.


Outside the building:

  • A siren or whistles will sound a warning.
  • Students not in a classroom/building will move quickly to the MPR (or other designated safe location) where designated adults will meet them.
  • Once inside a building, students will be escorted to a safe area away from windows and doors.
  • Students will sit and remain quiet and orderly.
  • Students will remain in the building until the principal gives an all-clear signal. Law enforcement will authorize the principal to end the lockdown.
  • No students will be allowed to leave the building until law enforcement authorizes the end of the lockdown.
  • If necessary, an off-campus pick-up zone will be used for student pick-up. Our off-campus pick-up zone location will be disclosed by a text message in the event of an evacuation.  
  • Note: All visitors on campus during a lockdown drill will follow the same procedures. During an actual lockdown the safety of our students will be the first consideration. Depending on the emergency, visitors may be required to remain in the building or leave campus. Law enforcement will make that determination.

Earthquake Drill

Inside the building:


  • The teacher will tell students to “Duck, Cover, and Hold On!”
  • Students will immediately move away from windows and take cover underneath a desk, table, etc.
  • With backs away from windows, students will place their head between their knees and hold onto a table or desk. With the other arm, they will cover the back of their neck. 
  • Students will remain in place until the shaking has stopped or until you receive further instructions.    
  • A pick-up zone will be established and communicated to parents.


Outside the building:

  • The teacher will tell students to “DROP.”
  • Students will lie on the ground, face down, and curled into a ball.
  • Students near a building will be told to move to the open playground.
  • Students should not run.
  • Students will remain on the ground until an all-clear signal is given by the principal.

Note: All visitors on campus during an earthquake will follow the same procedures.


Facility Alert  
A facility alert is called when a potentially hazardous situation occurs.

Inside the building:

  • A siren will sound a warning.
  • All doors will be immediately locked.
  • Students will remain in the classroom/building until released.
  • Students will continue working until the principal gives an all-clear signal. 


Outside the building:

  • A siren will sound a warning.
  • Students will move quickly to the MPR or other designated area.
  • Students will be escorted to a safe area in the MPR away from windows and doors.
  • Students will remain in the building until the principal gives an all-clear signal.
  • Parents will be allowed to pick up their students during the alert.
  • Note: All visitors on campus during a facility alert drill will follow the same procedures. During an actual alert, all visitors will be asked to immediately leave campus or report to the office.