Elementary Science
Olympiad events take advantage of the natural curiosity of each child, and
allow for in-depth hands-on experiences. This program is designed for 3rd
- 6th graders to utilize ordinary classroom and household supplies to build
devices to compete against other schools in Fresno County.
Science Olympiad Contact Info: Ms. Bulfinch [email protected]
Note sent home on January 20th, 2023 and on 5/18 2023
Interested in Lego-Robotics? It is now time to prepare for the 23-24 school year Lego-robotics program. (Grades 4-6) Our Lego robotics program supports up to three teams per year. Due to the nature of the activity, Century families form their own teams with a maximum of eight students and have a coach. Century does not assign students to a team. This is because practices are not at school, they happen in homes. Therefore, it is typical that a group of friends/neighbors who know and trust each other participate as a team. There will be a meeting in the spring on May 23rd to assist teams that have an assigned coach and crew. If you have questions, we can answer them at the spring meeting. We expect to fill the three team spots prior to the end of this school year. All other teams will be placed on a waiting list.